Teaching responsabilities

McGill University

Lecture notes (regularly updated) can be downloaded here .

Some learning ressources for this course are available on this page.

University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté (2022)

  • Course on Differential Geometry

Course notes are available here .

University of Western Brittany (2018 - 2021)

Type Course title Level Course duration
2020 - 2021
TD Reduction of endomorphisms L1 27,5h
TD Topology and functional analysis L3 27,5h
TD Commutative algebra L3 27,5h
TD Groups and geometry L3 27,5h
CM\TD Euclidean spaces L2 27,5h
TD Colles et devoirs PMRC L2/L3 35h
TD Préparation à l’agrégation M2 4h
2019 - 2020
TD Analysis 1 L1 27,5h
TD Groups and geometry L3 27,5h
Colles PMRC L3 8h
TD Préparation à l’agrégation M2 1h
2018 - 2019
TD Analysis 1 L1 30h
TD Analysis 2 (MIASH) L2 30h
Colles PMRC L1 4h